Member Comments Regarding their Sendai Performance in Their Upcoming Tour

The band decided they will be performing at Zepp Sendai on April 27th instead of Tokyo Electron Hall Kyujou in Miyagi. This event will also be a fund-raising event. Translations prone to error. YOMI: We decided we would perform in Sendai for our “Time Rewind to ZERO” tour in April. That was the arrangement at[…]

Messages from Members Regarding the Tohoku Earthquake

Nightmare’s OHP has posted a message regarding the earthquake and a short message from all the members.

We deeply express our condolences to everyone on the recent Tohoku earthquake and the damages it has caused to the victims. Everyone was beginning to worry about the relatives of Nightmare, but they have been confirmed to be safe and sound. Our heartfelt prayers hope they can begin reconstruction as soon as possible.