Sendai Kamotsu on Nico Nico and “Gianism” Pre-Order

Announced through an ad during today’s “Nightwear in Nightmare” episode, Sendai Kamotsu will be on a Nico Nico show on October 20th at 11PM JST (10AM EST, 9AM CST). You may send your messages to them at The next episode of “Nightwear on Nightmare” will air on November 20th.

Nightmare’s 10th anniversary album, “Gianism,” is now available for pre-order on CD Japan. It will come in a normal and limited edition. The limited edition will have an extra DVD with it. The contents are currently unknown. A special present will also come with the album. “Gianism” will be released on January 1, 2010.

Source: Nico Nico Live, CDJapan.

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