Hot off of Twitter on Chiba’s account, Nightmare and Sendai Kamotsu will be participating in NACK5’s Pink Ribbon Project charity auction.
For those who don’t know, November has been designated as National Breast Cancer Awareness month and the pink ribbon has always been a symbol of that.
From October 1st until November 15th, the Pink Ribbon Project 2013 has been a month long project by NACK5 to raise awareness of breast cancer amongst women. Both Nightmare and Sendai Kamotsu will be auctioning off a signed towel from each respective band on November 3rd at Omiya Arche Stage. Below is the tweet translation from Chiba’s account. Translations are subject to error:
【お知らせ】NACK5ピンクリボンプロジェクト2013の一環として、11月3日(日・祝)13:30~大宮アルシェビル1階ステージアルシェで「チャリティーオークション」を開催します。趣旨に賛同していただいたパーソナリティー他の方々からご協力いただいた品物をオークションします。千葉さんから「メンバー全員のサイン入り 仙台貨物タオル」と「ナイトメア・タオル」のセットをご提供いただきました。オークションの売り上げ金は、ガン撲滅関係団体に全額寄付させていただきます。当日千葉さんの出演はありませんが、お時間あれば是非足をお運びください。
Notice: NACK5’s Pink Ribbon Project 2013 will have a “charity auction” take place on Sunday, November 3rd from 1:30pm on at Omiya Arche Building 1 Stage Arche. The cooperation from other personalities have been endorsed and approve of the items for the auction. From Chiba-san a “Sendai Kamotsu towel with all the members’ signature” and a “Nightmare towel” set will be offered to it. Full proceeds of the auction will be donated to a cancer research society. There will be no performances by Chiba-san on that day, but he may have one if time allow it.
Source: Igaguri Chiba Twitter, NACK5 OHP