Messages from Members Regarding the Tohoku Earthquake

Nightmare’s OHP has posted a message regarding the earthquake and a short message from all the members.

We deeply express our condolences to everyone on the recent Tohoku earthquake and the damages it has caused to the victims. Everyone was beginning to worry about the relatives of Nightmare, but they have been confirmed to be safe and sound. Our heartfelt prayers hope they can begin reconstruction as soon as possible.

Comments from Nightmare:

I’ve finally managed to accept the shock of the damages after the Tohoku earthquake.
I am very happy that my family and the members’ families are all safe and unharmed.
To the fans and everyone who were worried about us, thank you very much! Right now, the members and I are in talks of what we can do to help out.
I want to be helpful to the hometown I love!! Even though the solemn situation lies ahead of us, I want to tell the local people there to not give up!! Let’s all help each other out.

I can’t believe something like this actually took place.
The town we were raised in was washed away.
The beautiful scenery of the Tohoku region is destroyed.
It’s very scary and very difficult.
I’m thinking of what I can do right now to support and help the people of the disaster in however I can, even if it is on the tiniest thing.

My family is currently safe, but the damage was huge in the coastlands region. However, it didn’t reach the streets where my relatives are living in. Like everybody else, I couldn’t get in contact with a lot of people nor did I know of their whereabouts. There were many lives were saved from the houses collapsing and from being washed away. But from here on, I feel very nervous and uneasy for everyone’s lives. I’m absolutely grateful lives were saved, but unfortunately, I am not in the position where I can go save others, too. Not only am I praying for everyone’s safety, I’m thinking of anything I can do right now that’s necessary to help. Little by little, I would like people to slowly go back to smiling once more as soon as possible…

Eveyone knows of the extent of damage done because of the Tohoku earthquake.
Please help the victims in the area that’s been struck.
You can help as much as you like, but it doesn’t have to be right now. No matter how many months, how many years, the area is in need of help.
However little you can do to help out, everything will gather up to make great changes.
Through everyone’s collaboration, this area’s long-cherished ambition will be a day of peace and safety one day.
Please help out.

Honestly, I don’t know what to say about families.
I’m really sorry.
But my hopes will not be thrown away.
Please help.

Source: OHP

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