Gianizm Tracklisting Up!

Their OHP has been updated with the tracks from their upcoming album, “Gianism.” Here is the list:

  1. 自傷(少年テロリスト) (Jishou (Shounen Terrorist))
  2. ジャイアニズム痛 (Gianizm Ni)
  3. ジャイアニズム惨 (Gianizm San)
  4. ジャイアニズム死 (Gianizm Shi)
  5. ジャイアニズム誤 (Gianizm Go)
  6. ジャイアニズム碌 (Gianizm Roku)
  7. ジャイアニズム叱 (Gianizm Shichi)
  8. ジャイアニズム罰 (Gianizm Hachi)
  9. ジャイアニズム究 (Gianizm Kyuu)
  10. ジャイアニズム天 (Gianizm Jyuu)

The album cover is completely rockin’ too:

The first cover is the album with the DVD and the second one is the CD only.

Source: Nightmare OHP

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