Igaguri Chiba’s “Glitter Boys” Single Revealed

On Sendai Kamotsu’s OHP, they have posted up Chiba’s upcoming solo single that comes out on October 6th.

Version 1: Regular Version Cover. Comes with DVD of "Glitter Boys" PV

Price: 2,100 yen (roughly $23 USD)

Version 1: Limited Edition Cover. Also comes with DVD of "Glitter Boys" PV.

Price: 2,100 yen (roughly $23 USD)

Version 2: CD Only

Price: 1,800 yen (roughly $21 USD)

They have also posted up the DVD and CD covers for their upcoming release of “Fukyou no Kaze” Final in Budokan. It comes out on October 6th.


Fukyou no Kaze DVD Price: 5,800 yen (roughly $60 USD)

. Version 2: CD Only Price: 3,000 yen (roughly $32 USD)

DVD and CD Tracklist:

  1. サタデーナイトゲイバー (Saturday Night Gay Bar)
  2. うまなみで。 (Umanamide.)
  3. サイパン (Saipan)
  4. 腐況の風 (Fukyou no Kaze)
  5. 俺ら東京さいぐだ (Orera Tokyo sa iku da)
  6. トリプル☆ニート (Trible☆Neet
  7. 芸スクール漢組!! (Gei School Otokogumi!!)
  8. キムチ (Kimchi)
  9. 珍々的愛情故事 (Chen Chen’s Love Story)
  10. 珍龍~change long~ (Chen Long ~change long~)
  11. ウンチ君 (Unchi-kun)
  12. おうた (Outa)
  13. Tommy&Rockey’s theater ~祭らないか~ (Tommy&Rocket’s theater ~Matsui ranaika~)
  14. フレディ・まーつりー (Freddy Matsuri)

    15. アフガニズム (Afghanism)
    16. 神様もう少しだけ (Kamisama Mou Sukoshi Dake)

    -ENCORE 1-

    17. 送る言葉 (Okuru Kotoba)
    18. クリリン・マンソン (Kuurin Mansion)
    19. 絶交門 (Zekkoumon)
    20. 男達の晩夏 (Otokotachi no Banka)

    -ENCORE 2-
    21. チバイズム~手ぬぐいを脱がさないで~ (Chibaism ~Tenugui wo Datsugasaniade~)

Source: Sendai Kamotsu OHP

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