Another NaitoUSA New Layout!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to NaitoUSA, version 8.0. We are now a .com domain! Please update your bookmarks accordingly 😀

It’s bigger, shinier and Nightmarier (not a real word, but we’re making it so!)

Being a masochistic designer, I made this site between everything that’s been going on in my side of the screen =A=

In all honesty, I just wanted to test out stuff I learned while adding my own “what if” ideas >_>;

With the help of seven, starnaito, and D., their feedback on the layout and new logo, along with their support with my constant need for experimentation, really helped make this site possible.

You will be happy to see we have two new areas on our navigation: FAQs and updated information in “About Dateotoko.” Even though NaitoUSA is now a .com domain (we be legit now so it’s srsbsns, yo (T_T)b ), our love and dedication to the band has not changed.

Generally, the site’s navigation and user experience has improved tons now that there’s finally a search function on the site rather than have everyone go through every single year to find that ONE thing. You can now also comment on our entries using your Facebook account.

Anyway, please enjoy the new site and we hope to see all our followers comment in our entries 😀
But please be nice. We will be monitoring the threads closely.


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